A settlement on behalf of individuals and companies that purchased or received health insurance provided or administered by a Blue Cross Blue Shield company may include participants in the EPC’s medical/prescription drug plan. The settlement is the result of a class action antitrust lawsuit, In re: Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation MDL 2406, which is pending in a U.S. District Court in Alabama.

Bart Francescone, Executive Director of EPC Benefit Resources, Inc. (BRI), said the BRI office has fielded a number of inquiries regarding communication from JND Legal Administration in Seattle, Wash, regarding the settlement.

“Many of our medical benefit plan participants have recently received notice from a third-party entity identified as JND Legal Administration on behalf of Plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit against the national Blue Cross Blue Shield Association of companies,” Francescone said, noting that the Plaintiffs in this case are affected plan participants, and the Defendants are the Blue Cross Blue Shield companies.

“It is a legitimate notice, and those harmed by BCBS’ alleged violation of antitrust laws may be eligible to receive a payment as a result of the settlement,” he said. “If someone was enrolled in our plan and had medical claims anytime between September 1, 2015, and October 16, 2020, they likely received the notice and may be entitled to a settlement payment.”

Francescone added that BRI and its provider for the EPC medical/prescription drug benefit plan, Highmark BCBS, are not involved in the settlement process.

“BRI has no information about how eligibility is determined, or the settlement amounts,” Francescone said. “In order to be bound by the settlement and potentially receive a payment, you must log into the settlement website, go to the claim form, enter the unique ID that came with your email notice or postcard, and file a claim by no later than the fifth of November.”

The settlement website is www.BCBSsettlement.com, which includes detailed information about the lawsuit, who is involved, and instructions on how to file a claim. For further questions, JND Legal Administration can be contacted at info@BCBSsettlement.com, or 1-888-681-1142.

Anyone who was enrolled in the EPC’s medical/prescription drug plan during the settlement class time period and wants to file a claim may need the following information when completing the claim form:

  • Health plan name: Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • EPC Group No: CQM363
  • Member ID: On the participant’s medical ID card
  • Coverage start/end dates: Provided by the participant’s church or employer

“We hope this guidance is helpful to our participants who may be eligible to file a claim,” Francescone said. “The resources provided in the notice and on the settlement website should be able to answer any questions.”