The EPC Benefit Resources, Inc., Board of Directors met at the Office of the General Assembly on February 27. Members of the Board are (from left) Erik Ohman, Michael Moore, Robert Draughon, Bill Reisenweaver, Kim Ray, Bart Francescone (BRI Executive Director), Randy Shaneyfelt, and William Barnes. Also attending but not pictured were Michael Busch and Ron Horgan (Board Chair).
Meeting in Orlando February 27, the EPC Benefit Resources, Inc. (BRI) Board of Directors addressed a variety of topics related to its oversight of the EPC’s retirement plans, group medical plans, and other benefits offerings.
Among other items on its agenda, the Board reviewed BRI’s 2018 and 2019 financial status, discussed current and possible future ways to improve participants’ physical and financial health, and began deliberating on 2020 benefit plan offerings.
The board also heard presentations from representatives from Merrill Lynch, and the Orlando-based CPA firm, Batts Morrison Wales & Lee.
Members of the BRI Board of Directors are Ron Horgan (Chair), TE from the Presbytery of the Midwest; Will Barnes, RE from the Presbytery of the Rivers and Lakes; Mike Busch, RE from the Presbytery of the Alleghenies; Robert Draughon, RE from the Presbytery of the Central South; Michael Moore from the Presbytery of the Central South; Erik Ohman, TE from the Presbytery of the Midwest; Kim Ray, RE from the Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest; Bill Reisenweaver, TE from the Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean; and Randy Shaneyfelt from the Presbytery of the Great Plains.
BRI is staffed by Bart Francescone, Executive Director; Rebeca Santana, Benefits Administrator; and Caroline Swanson, Benefits Assistant. For more information on BRI, see www.epc.org/benefits.