In the aftermath of the devastating hurricane that swept through North Carolina, the EPC’s disaster response is well underway. Our first priority is to pray as a denomination for everyone affected by the hurricane and subsequent floods. Our next priority is to provide essentials people need on the ground – water, food staples, diapers, baby formula, medicines, and basic supplies such as toilet paper. Beyond these critical needs, the focus shifts to the individuals, churches, and teams actively involved in relief efforts.

We are calling on local churches eager to help to organize volunteers and create inventories of those willing and able to serve at the disaster site. Teams are needed for the physically demanding work of clearing debris and repairing damage, which requires nothing more than an able body and a willing heart. These teams must currently be self-contained, bringing their own food, water, and sleeping supplies, as plans are in place to set up lodging for relief workers closer to the affected areas soon.

The hurricane has impacted at least 13 of our congregations in the region. Thankfully, all our buildings are still standing, but the damage to our members’ lives is severe. Losses range from minimal to catastrophic. On a recent emergency call with the EPC’s Disaster Relief Committee, co-chair Whitney Alexander observed that “the people who can afford it the least have lost the most.” Despite the devastation, two of our Teaching Elders led worship services in parking lots this past Sunday, demonstrating that even amid disaster, God is present and at work.

The EPC Office of the General Assembly is closely coordinating with local churches and presbyteries to ensure that aid is distributed where most needed. To streamline these efforts, we are directing all donations through the disaster relief fund on our website, which you can access by clicking here.

This recovery will be a long and arduous process – one that will take years, not months. While immediate financial support is crucial to sustaining our relief teams in the coming days and weeks, we urge you to also lift up prayers for those affected. Prayer remains the most powerful way we can support our brothers and sisters as they begin to rebuild their lives.