For more than 40 years, worship has been a central component of the EPC General Assembly meeting. This year’s Assembly is no exception, and the worship speakers will speak to the theme, “Recharge.” The 42nd GA will be held June 21-24 at Ward Church in Northville, Mich.

Julie Hawkins, Pastor of Next Steps at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church in Gig Harbor, Wash., will preach prior to the opening business session on Wednesday, June 22. Her message, “Powered Up by Prayer” from Acts 4:23-31, will challenge attendees to prayer that results in courageous proclamation of God’s Word. The service begins at 3:15 p.m. (Eastern).

Scott McKee, Senior Pastor of Ward Church, will preach on Wednesday evening, June 22. His message, “To a Thousand Generations,” is based on Exodus 20:45. An offering will be received for the EPC’s Care of Pastors and Spouses Fund. Proceeds will fund projects designed to help restore the emotional and spiritual health of EPC pastors. The service begins at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern).

Terence Gray, Ward Church Assistant Pastor, will deliver the message at the Morning Worship Service on Thursday, June 23. His message, “The Church: A Recharging Community,” is based on John 13:1-17. An offering will be received for the Tim Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund. Donations will assist EPC students from under-resourced communities studying at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Russell, who served as Assistant Pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, succumbed to COVID-19 in March 2020. The service begins at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern).

Marcelo Robles will preach from Acts 1:8 in the Global Worker Commissioning Service on Thursday evening, June 23. Robles serves as Senior Pastor of La Misión Church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. An offering will be received for the EPC’s Restore Global Worker Health Fund. Proceeds will fund projects designed to help restore the emotional and spiritual health of World Outreach global workers. The service begins at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern).

Brad Strait, Moderator of the 41st General Assembly, will lead the Moderator’s Service of Communion and Prayer at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern) on Friday, June 24. His message, “Declare His Glory Among the Nations, His Marvelous Deeds Among all Peoples” focuses on 1 Chronicles 16:24. An offering will be received for the EPC’s Moderator’s Scholarship Fund. Donations provide financial assistance to offset travel costs for ministers and Ruling Elders from smaller EPC churches who otherwise may not be able to attend General Assembly.

Click here for more information about the 42nd General Assembly, including daily schedules, the Leadership Institute, GA business items, and more.
