The Student and College Ministries Committee would like to connect with ministry leaders from every EPC church.  Members join the committee with a sincere desire to serve those who are called by God to reach and disciple the next generation.  We’ve created two surveys, just to get the conversation started with leaders (staff, volunteer, full-time and part-time).

The first is short and sweet – Just a Get-to-Know you and your ministry survey.  Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself to our committee members at

Your thoughts and ideas are the driving force behind the direction the committee will take in the future.  Therefore, we’d like to dig a little deeper and hear your perspective on the important issue of how to effectively disciple the next generation of young adults, in the midst of the significant challenges they face.  If you have a few more minutes, please let us know your thoughts at

Thank you for your time; your input is essential and greatly appreciated.