In his newest book, The Muslim World: A Presbyterian Mandate, veteran EPC missionary Greg Livingstone issues a challenge for Presbyterians and other Reformed believers to rededicate them­selves to their foundational calling: taking the gospel to those people and places that have no access to the Good News—particularly in the Muslim world.

Using examples from more than 50 years of personal ministry experience among Muslims, Dr. Livingstone addresses the question of why there are so few Christ-honoring congregations of former Muslims. In addition, he offers a primer on how to get involved in ministry to Muslims, as well as a brief history of Presbyterian missions and Reformed missions among Muslim people groups.

“This is a book that every member of the EPC—and beyond—should take to heart,” said George Carey, Director of World Outreach. “Greg has seen God move among Muslims, and every believer should be able to share his experience.”

In the book, Livingstone notes that since September 11, 2001, there has been a proliferation of books, magazine articles, and websites about Muslims and ministry to them. This increased exposure has given Christians a new awareness of Muslims and a growing concern for their eternal souls. Partially in response to this new exposure, there are currently more than 8,000 missionaries who have spurned the unavailability of missionary visas and gained residency among Muslims in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and among Muslim people groups in China, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Can fresh methodologies coupled with perseverance result in the most effective evangelism and church planting move­ment ever accomplished among Muslim peoples?

The Muslim World: A Presbyterian Mandate will be available for purchase at $6.00 a copy at the 34th General Assembly in Knoxville; and it may be ordered through the EPC’s Resources Page or by emailing Barbara Roberts at the Office of the General Assembly at