Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We pour our hearts and souls into serving the church. But in our zeal to care for others, we sometimes neglect our own well-being and the well-being of our families.

The EPC is committed to supporting the whole pastor, not just the pastor in the pulpit. That’s why we’re excited to announce the “Healthy Pastors, Healthy Families” webinar series, designed to address the mental and emotional health of our pastors and their loved ones.

Our first webinar in this series will be on Thursday, February 15th at 7:00 PM Eastern, and it will feature Roy Yanke, Executive Director of PIR Ministries and EPC Ruling Elder. Roy will share his own story of brokenness and God’s restoring work, inviting us to consider how God may transform the brokenness of our past into a beautiful future.

Register here for the webinar and you’ll receive the link via email ahead of that date.

We encourage all EPC pastors and those married to EPC pastors to attend this important series. By investing in our own well-being, we can better serve our families, our congregations, and our communities.

In Christ,

Annie Rose

Director of Ministerial Support & Development

P.S. Don’t forget to share this invitation with your friends!