EPC World Outreach is excited to bring together mission leaders from across EPC churches for a time of mutual encouragement, collaboration, and inspiration. Whether you lead missions in a small church, serve on staff at a large church, or simply feel a passion for God’s mission, this conference is for you.

About the Conference

The Connecting Mission Leaders Conference offers a unique opportunity for lay leaders, missions directors, pastors, and mission enthusiasts to gather for missiological reflection, worship, prayer, and relationship-building. Together, we’ll explore new avenues for collaboration and share best practices to further our collective mission.

2024 Theme: The Whole Church
Every believer. Every generation. Every nation.

Our theme, inspired by the Lousanne Covenant, emphasizes that the Great Commission is for everyone – every believer is called to take the whole Gospel to the whole world.

Keynote Speakers

  • Matthew Ellison, president of Sixteen:Fifteen, will explore how the Great Commission is a call for all believers – not just those who go abroad.
  • Rev. Dr. Lisa Pak, from Finishing the Task and the Operational Catalyst for the Kingdom Impact Network, will discuss mobilizing the rising generations and sustaining a long-term commitment to missions.
  • P, a global speaker and founder of a youth movement focused on reconciliation and leadership, will share insights on inspiring the global church to embrace its mission.


In-Between Sessions

In addition to plenaries, the conference includes worship, prayer, networking, breakout sessions, and fellowship. It’s an opportunity to connect with others, discover new ideas, and be inspired to mobilize your church in mission.

Register Now!

For more details and to register, visit www.epcwo.org/cml. We look forward to seeing you in October!