At the June 30 close of the EPC’s fiscal year, contributions to Percentage of Income (POI) and Per Member Asking (PMA) received by the Office of the General Assembly totaled $2,411,985. The amount is $120,983 more than that total received in FY22 and only $39,879 (1.6 percent) less than the FY23 General Assembly operating budget of $2,451,864.
In addition, total fiscal year operating expenses were $16,350 under budget.
“I am beyond thankful that our churches supported the EPC so generously the past year,” said Stated Clerk Dean Weaver. “Because of their faithfulness and the careful stewardship of our staff at the Office of the General Assembly, we can look a future of expanding the impact of our Gospel Priorities and serving our churches and leaders in numerous other ways.”
Of the $2,411,985 received, $482,387 (20 percent) was contributed to EPC World Outreach.
In addition to PMA contributions, the Office of the General Assembly received $6,328,271 in designated gifts in FY23. This total was $458,590 (22.8 percent) less than the $6,786,861 in designated gifts received in FY22. Designated gifts include support for World Outreach global workers and projects, and contributions to EPC Special Projects such as Emergency Relief, church planting and revitalization initiatives, and the EPC’s holiday offerings.
Of the total, $6,013,671 was designated for World Outreach workers and projects, and $314,600 was designated for EPC projects. These amounts only reflect gifts received and distributed by the Office of the General Assembly, and do not reflect donations given directly to WO global workers or other projects.
Commissioners to the denomination’s 42nd General Assembly in June 2022 approved a transition from the Per Member Asking (PMA) funding formula to a Percentage of Income (POI) model. Under PMA, churches were asked to contribute $23 per member to the Office of the General Assembly. The POI model is a request for churches to support the national level of the EPC with 1 percent of income to the church’s general operating fund. The shift will phase in over the next three years, with full POI implementation expected at the start of FY26 in July 2025.