Happy New Year to everyone! For 2014, there is a change to the EPC pharmacy provider, and some people may not have received their ID Cards.
There were some last minute changes to group numbers and that caused a delay in getting the ID Cards sent out. It was desirable to get the new cards to people before January 1st, despite the efforts not everyone received them. Some of our participants have already received their ID Cards, others have not.
If you need your ID Card you can obtain it online, here’s how:
- You can print or view your ID card on the member website. If you have not yet registered, go to the member website at http://www.highmarkbcbs.com/. Select the Register link and follow the instructions to get a username and password. After you have logged in, click on the ID icon at the top of the home page.
- You can cut and paste this link for additional instructions on how to obtain a copy of your ID Card http://www.brainshark.com/hmk/IDCard_EPC
Prescription Drug Benefits
Effective January 1, 2014, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield will manage Evangelical Presbyterian Church prescription drug benefits. Highmark offers you a broad range of services, including a large network of pharmacies, mail order services through Express Scripts® Home Delivery, and the convenience of one identification card for both your medical and prescription benefits. Be sure to register to use the member website at www.highmarkbcbs.com to take advantage of tools and resources that will help you get the most value from your benefits.
How do I get my prescriptions filled?
Starting January 1, 2014, take your prescription and new member ID card to a network retail pharmacy. If you have refills remaining on a current prescription at a network pharmacy, simply present your Highmark member ID card.
If you go to the pharmacy without your ID card, the pharmacist will need the following information to process your prescription:
Rx Group Number: BCWP001
Member SSN, Social Security Number or UMI, Unique member identifier
BIN: 610014 (this is the unique identifier for the PBM or claims processor)
PCN: The processor control number. For commercial claims, this is typically used by the pharmacy to identify a PBM or claims processor. For commercial claims, ESI accepts any value except zeroes.
Pharmacy Help Desk phone number: 800-922-1557.