Angie Moses and former Moderators in attendance at the 35th General Assembly lay hands on Mike Moses as the Assembly prays for the newly elected Moderator.
Mike Moses, Pastor of Lake Forest Church in Huntersville, N.C., was elected Moderator of the EPC 35th General Assembly on Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church in Orlando, Fla. The vote was unanimous.
“The greatest honor in my life is to weekly open the Word of life,” Moses said. “This is an additional great honor. I am humbled, and I thank you for your trust. I have been in the EPC for a long time, and this is a sacred assembly to me.”
Moses has served as a Teaching Elder in the EPC for more than 16 years. Previously, he worked for Young Life and also served at Hope EPC in Cordova, Tenn. He is the founding pastor of Lake Forest Church, which launched in 1998 and has grown to an average Sunday attendance of more than 2,000 in three campuses in the Charlotte area.
Mike is a graduate of the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va., and Fuller Seminary, where he earned the Hebrew and Greek Exegetical Scholar award. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, where he now teaches church planting. He serves on the board of Children’s Impact Network, which is headquartered in Bolivia, and is a member of the EPC Church Multiplication Task Force.
Mike and his wife, Angie, have two adult sons. Angie is a published novelist who also writes the faith section for their local newspaper. Mike’s hobbies include tennis, surfing with his sons, and cultural travel with Angie.
Congratulations Dr. Moses from all of us at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary-Charlotte!