— Our Story —
Every created being has a story. We hope you will take some time to learn about the unique story God has written and continues to write for the EPC. Perhaps even God is calling you to join this story.
As with any Christian church, the EPC’s history goes back to the book of Acts in the Bible. Shortly after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, He Himself institutes the church and we learn beautiful things about the early churches story in this book. If you’ve never read the book of Acts, you can find it in the New Testament after Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
PART 2 | 1600's
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) traces its roots to the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s, led by John Calvin in Switzerland and John Knox in Scotland. These leaders sought to reform the church based on the Bible as the ultimate authority. By the 1600s, the Presbyterian and Reformed movement had spread across Europe, influencing churches in countries like England, where the Westminster Confession of Faith—a key statement of Presbyterian beliefs—was written in the mid-1600s.
Early Presbyterian leaders established the church in the American colonies, with the first presbytery forming in 1709. A key figure, Jonathan Edwards, played a major role in the First Great Awakening, a revival that shaped American Christianity in the 1700s.
PART 3 | 1980 & 1981
The Birth of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church – 1980-1981
Fast forward to 1980 where a group of pastors and church leaders from two major Presbyterian denominations were concerned about growing theological liberalism in their current denominations. They met in St. Louis, Missouri, to pray and plan about creating a new Presbyterian family of churches. Their goal was to form a church that remained faithful to the Bible, historic Christian confessions, and recaptured an evangelical fervor for the Gospel. They formed the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) and adopted the motto, “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity; Truth in Love.” This motto is a good summary statement of their guiding principles.
Just six months after their initial meeting in St. Louis, the EPC’s first General Assembly met near Detroit, with 12 churches in attendance. To establish a strong foundation, they formed a concise statement of core beliefs called the “Essentials of Our Faith.” These affirm the EPC’s commitment to be a biblical, evangelical, and Presbyterian family of churches.
While committed to doctrinal integrity, EPC founders wanted to prevent division over non-essential issues. They encouraged freedom in areas such as electing church leaders, spiritual gifts, worship styles, and ministry approaches. At EPC gatherings, early church leaders made the commitment to work together despite differences on non-essentials, valuing unity over unnecessary conflict.
Finally, as recipients of God’s grace, EPC founders wanted to cultivate an environment that strives to extend grace to one another, speaking truth with kindness and humility. This culture of mutual respect would become a defining point of the EPC’s identity.
Over the years, the EPC grew both through church planting and as churches left mainline Presbyterian denominations to join.
In the 2000s, the EPC’s Long-Range Planning Committee explored the denomination’s future. This led to the adoption of a “missional” approach—emphasizing outreach and service beyond the church. At that time, Missional was officially added to the EPC’s identity alongside being Presbyterian, Reformed, and Evangelical.
Today, the EPC has over 630 churches, about 8% of which are church plants. As a family of churches, we continue to follow God’s call to spread the Gospel to those who haven’t heard it, teach and care for Christians in our churches, and participate in the expanding of God’s Kingdom for His glory.
Perhaps God is calling you to be a part of our future story, either as an individual joining an EPC church family or perhaps you are a church leader considering the EPC as a fit for your church. Please visit Join the EPC to explore whether this may be the next step in your story.