
Sandy Willson

In June, the 36th General Assembly approved a motion calling for the Moderator to appoint an interim committee to draft a pastoral letter on “Ministering to the Church and World on Issues Pertaining to Human Sexuality.” The committee will make its report to the 38th General Assembly in 2018.

Teaching Elder Sandy Willson, Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tenn., will serve as chair of the Interim Committee on Drafting a Pastoral Letter on Human Sexuality. Willson chaired the Interim Committee on Position Paper Revision that wrote the Position Paper on Human Sexuality. Moderator Scott Griffin commended his leadership and asked him to lead the new committee as well.

Other committee members are RE John Graham (Presbytery of the Southeast), RE Rick Schatz (Midwest), RE Annie Rose (Rivers and Lakes), RE Scott Griffin (Pacific), TE Mike Glodo (Florida), TE Adam Barr (Midwest), and TE Sharon Beekmann (West). Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah will serve as staff resource.

The committee will begin its work on September 12 when it holds its first meeting in Memphis.