Urbana is an Intervarsity’s Student Missions Conference held every three years in cities around the country.  Urbana 12 was held on December 27-31, 2012 in St. Louis, Missouri.  The focus of the conference is to deliver a compelling message to this generation to “give their whole lives for God’s global mission.”

EPC College Ministries had the privilege of extending scholarships to 23 college students and young adults from the EPC community.  We asked each recipient to connect with us after the conference by sending us their “Reflections” on their experience, where they feel God may be calling them and/or the highlights of their trip.  The responses we received were incredible and heartfelt.  Here are just a few of the “reflections,” highlighting the varying ways God was working in these young adults at Urbana 12:

“The speaker from Afghanistan who talked about missions with her husband helped me solidify the idea of going to Uganda this summer and possibly for long term in the future.”  ~ Christopher H.

“It was a huge blessing and an experience I will never forget and one that will challenge me for the rest of my life!  I went to the event disheartened and discontent…, but now I feel alive and invigorated to share the gospel where ever I am and wherever God leads me.”  ~ Ryan W.

“One message that was pretty clear throughout my time at Urbana is that we are on mission everywhere we go, on our college campuses, at our jobs…everywhere.”  ~ Hollie T.

“Wow!  What an incredible time. The manuscript Bible studies have revolutionized the way I will read my Bible.  I made a commitment to a long term mission trip, which I plan to take with Latin America Missions for a year starting in September.  I also commited to sharing the gospel of Luke with someone this year.  ~ Elizabeth D.

“On the last day of the conference, I quietly made a long-term missions commitment to God.  I want to use business to help people become self-sufficient and break the cycle of poverty, while sharing God’s truth and love.”  ~ Anna

“I had an amazing time listening to the speakers, who compelled me to go, and for me specifically, to go to India.”  ~ Kelsey G.

“I know that I want to be a missionary, but I was unsure of the possibilities overseas.  I [was] led to apply to Moody Bible Institute to pursue a degree in Applied Linguistics and Counseling Victims of Sexual Exploitation. I found a lot of ways my love of psychology and language can be used overseas for God.  Since coming back I have applied to Moody and talked to my mentor about keeping me accountable.” ~Alycia W.

“Urbana was seriously a LIFE-CHANGING trip, to say the least.  I feel like through the course of the week, God was really pulling me in the direction of long-term missions, perhaps to areas that are closed, or even areas of the world that have never been reached.  I LOVED the bible studies in the morning.  Because I loved it so much, I started my own inductive Bible study here in my town with a bunch of college-aged woman!  It’s so amazing to see God working in them too – some of them don’t even believe in God!”  ~ Heather B.