The Stated Clerk Search Committee held its first in-person meeting August 27-29 at the Office of the General Assembly in Orlando.
The committee was appointed by 38th General Assembly Moderator Tom Werner and announced to the 39th General Assembly in June. Their purpose is to identify the successor to Jeff Jeremiah, who has served as EPC Stated Clerk since 2006. Upon his election to a fifth three-year term at the 38th General Assembly in 2018, Jeremiah announced his plans to depart from the role in June 2021.
The goal is for the next Stated Clerk to be elected by the 40th General Assembly.
“I speak for the entire committee when I ask the EPC for its collective prayers as we seek the mind of Christ in this incredibly important work,” said Teaching Elder Bill Dudley, Search Committee Chairman. He currently serves as Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of the Southeast, and was the Moderator of the 33rd General Assembly. “Our Lord Jesus Christ has used Jeff Jeremiah in amazing ways as the EPC has grown tremendously under his leadership. God will use our next Stated Clerk to lead us into the future He has for the EPC, so we deeply desire for God to speak clearly to us.”
The committee is comprised of eight Teaching Elders and seven Ruling Elders, with an individual from each of the EPC’s 14 presbyteries and one official representative from the National Leadership Team.
In addition to Dudley, the members are Ritchey Cable, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of Mid-America; Chris Danusiar, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Rivers and Lakes; Michael Davis, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of the Central South; Nancy Duff, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest; Scott Griffin, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest and Moderator of the 36th General Assembly; Marc Huebl, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of the West; Laurie Johnston, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of the Great Plains; Victor Jones, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Gulf South; Bob LeSuer, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Alleghenies; Rosemary Lukens, representing the National Leadership Team; David Mennel, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Midwest; José Rodriguez, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of the East; Allen Roes, Ruling Elder from the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic and Moderator of the 28th General Assembly; and Luder Whitlock, Teaching Elder from the Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean.

Members of the Stated Clerk Search Committee are (left to right) Victor Jones, Ritchey Cable, Scott Griffin, Allen Roes, David Mennel, Laurie Johnston, Nancy Duff, Marc Huebl, Michael Davis, Rosemary Lukens, Luder Whitlock, Bob LeSuer, Bill Dudley (Chairman), José Rodriguez, and Chris Danusiar.