All EPC student and college ministry leaders, pastors, elders, and search committee members are invited to participate in two online book studies beginning in February 2015. Each study will be led by members of the Student and College Ministries Committee and last six to eight weeks. Discussion questions will be posted in a Facebook group, and conference calls will be available for further discussion and sharing of ideas in community with other EPC leaders.
Sustainable Youth Ministry:
Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It
by Mark DeVries
Facilitated by Mark Steimer and Susan Holland
In this study, we will read about and discuss practical tools and structures that youth pastors, senior pastors, and other church leaders need in order to lay a strong foundation for youth ministry so that it isn’t built on a person or the latest, greatest student ministry trend. Topics of discussion include:
- Equipping youth pastors to build a strong volunteer team
- Creative solutions for youth pastors
- Road maps for navigating church politics
- Help for senior pastors and search committees to create a realistic job description for a youth pastor
- Tips for making wise hiring decisions
This study is valuable for youth leaders and for pastors, elders, and search committee members who make decisions concerning the direction of youth ministry in their congregation. To join the study or for more information, see the Facebook group EPC Student Ministries Book Study – Sustainable Youth Ministry
College Ministry from Scratch:
A Practical Guide to Start and Sustain a Successful College Ministry
by Chuck Bomar
Facilitated by Dan Weidman and Susan Holland
In this study, we will read and discuss simple tips and practical ideas for anyone looking to start a ministry for (and to) college-aged people in their congregation. This book is easy to digest and offers insights on several practical topics, including:
- Laying the Foundation for a College Ministry
- Developing a Job Description
- Overview of College-Age Issues
- The often intimidating task of initiating meetings with students
- A list of questions to ask when having coffee with a student
- Leading a small group or Sunday school class
- Leading retreats and mission trips
Organized by topic, it is sure to help any size church begin to meet the needs of those age 18-22. To participate or for more information, join the Facebook group EPC College Ministry Book Study – College Ministry from Scratch