Take part in the survey by June 2013 at www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCMSurvey2013.

Most of us in ministry have heard the statistics and read the articles. The stats vary, but the numbers are still notable, anywhere from 60-75% of Christian young people leave the church after high school.

In his book Revolution (2007), George Barna, indicated that if current trends in the belief systems and practices of the younger generation continue, in ten years, church attendance will be half the size it is today. According to pollsters, for the generation now coming of age, they believe it’s more than the usual “driver’s license to marriage license” joy ride.

Barna Research president David Kinnaman, after a five-year-study, determined that most church leaders are unequipped to deal with this “new normal.” According to Kinnaman, the two most common responses are: ignoring the situation, hoping young adults will return when they are older and have children or building the church on the preference of young people, excluding older members. Both responses miss the mark.

So the question becomes, as church leaders, how do we beat the odds? What is God revealing to His churches in the EPC?

The Student & College Ministries Committee is asking EPC church leaders to take a survey entitled, How Do We Foster Sustainable Faith in Young Adults? We believe that there is great merit in sharing our ideas, as God reveals His plan for our young people in our individual churches and in the EPC.

Your input is vital! We hope to accumulate the thoughts and ideas of pastors, ruling elders, parents, youth leaders, college ministry leaders, volunteers, staff and anyone concerned about young people. Please take the time to share your thoughts in the survey here, www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCMSurvey2013 by August 30, 2013.