Tim Russell
Dear EPC family,
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the death late Monday night (March 30) of TE Tim Russell. He had been hospitalized with COVID-19 for about two weeks. He served as Assistant Pastor for Middle Adults at Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis and was a member of the EPC’s Revelation 7:9 Task Force.
Please pray for his wife, Kathe, and the entire Second Pres family. I am reminded once again during this time of crisis of Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, that we do not grieve as others do, who have no hope. Our hope is in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Tim has seen His face!
I’ve known Tim since 2006, when I met him while on a trip to Memphis. We spent an afternoon together as he showed me and talked about the Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies (MCUTS), where he was the President at the time. He was passionate about the opportunity to provide theological education to urban pastors. Tim made an indelible impact for Jesus Christ in Memphis and beyond, and will be missed tremendously.
Jeff Jeremiah
EPC Stated Clerk
So sorry. Sympathy and a 🙏for his family.💕
Tim was the chaplain at Geneva College when I was there. He was a tremendous blessing and influence on me personally as our chaplain. He counseled with me as I was preparing to propose to my girlfriend, now wife and he helped me in discerning my sense of call to ministry. It is in no way an overstatement to say that I would not be a pastor if it were not for the encouragement, correction and challenge of Timothy Russell. I texted Tim on Sunday after leading worship to let him know that our congregation was praying for him. He replied simply, “thanks.” My heart is broken this morning of the news but I celebrate with his wife Kathe who declared, “He has seen the face of God! Be at peace my love…” TE, Nate Devlin, Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA.
God comfort you, the family and loved ones, of this man. Hold to God’s unchanging hand!