Dr. Orin Littlejohn, Moderator of the 24th General Assembly (2004), died on Monday, March 3. Instrumental in the organization of EPC of Marshall Texas, he was a ruling elder actively involved in the EPC at the local church, presbytery and national levels.
In Central South Presbytery, he served as Moderator and Chair of the Coordinating Council. He also served on the EPC Board of Benefits for nine years, chairing the Board for eight years. Orin, a doctor who specialized in family medicine, offered valuable insight to the Board from a physician’s perspective. Citing Orin’s “exemplary Christian character, godly wisdom and substantial knowledge of the medical field,” the Board expressed its “heartfelt thanks to our great God and commends to Him our faithful brother and friend, Dr. Orin Littlejohn.”
Orin’s moderatorial year was characterized by travel to each of our eight presbyteries, often accompanied by his wife Jane. Second only to his love for Jesus Christ was his passion for prayer. In his Moderator’s report to the 25th General Assembly in 2005, he wrote, “We need to get back to reliance on prayer. EPC churches that are having problems of any sort need to fully dedicate themselves to prayer and fasting.”
The memorial service for Orin will take place on Saturday, March 8, at 2 pm at Marshall EPC in Marshall, TX. It will be led by Pastor Craig Vanbiber. Among attendees will be John Adamson, representing Central South Presbytery, and Jeff Jeremiah, representing the national EPC.