We know that transfer growth is not what we’re ultimately about. God has something better, He has something much greater for us! As I’ve thought about the increase in our number of churches the last six weeks the number I’ve focused on is 2.5. We’ve grown by a factor of 2.5 the last three years. Let me ask you to imagine with me this future. Think for a moment of the number of members you have in your church today. In the next three years, what would it be like if the membership of your church increased by a factor of 2.5? From 80 members to 200? From 150 members to 425 members? From 1000 members to 2500? If that was your future that couldn’t be explained by transfer growth, that could only be explained by transformation growth.
Transformation – the supernatural power of God the Holy Spirit poured out so that men, women, boys and girls in your community came to saving knowledge of and love for Jesus Christ! Transformation – isn’t that what we’re really about as believers in Jesus Christ? By the power of the Holy Spirit we’ve been born again, transformed from darkness to light, for death to life. And we want to see others transformed in the same way! At its heart that’s what it means to be missional, to be a church on mission for Jesus Christ. (excerpt from oral report to 2013 General Assembly)
- What changes would you need to make in your ministry if you were to focus intentionally on a ministry of transformation?
- What would a church ministry focused on transformation look like?
Transformation Growth