The EPC’s 43rd General Assembly/Gospel Priorities Summit in June will be a three-day event with plenary equipping sessions each day. Those are just two of many enhancements for the denomination’s annual business meeting this year. The theme of the Assembly is Sharpen, based on Ephesians 4:12, “… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ …”


“We want to be good stewards of our commissioners’ time and resources, so we have shortened the gathering by a day,” said Dean Weaver, EPC Stated Clerk. “Also, the business we will address deserves having as many commissioners involved as possible. In previous years, much of our important business fell on Friday when many commissioners had already left. By adjourning on Thursday, people can travel on Friday as they normally would and not miss anything.”

Each day will have training and equipping sessions based on one of the EPC’s four Gospel Priorities of Church Planting, Church Health, Global Movement, and Effective Biblical Leadership.

“The EPC exists to carry out the Great Commission, and those four priorities are the way we do that,” Weaver noted. “In the past, these concluded by noon on Wednesday. So that’s the “Gospel Priorities Summit” part this year—equipping and business will be interspersed with business across each day. Based on feedback from last year’s attendees, GA will have more of a ‘conference’ feel as opposed to primarily a business meeting with some equipping at the front.”

Weaver noted that the plenary and worship service speakers this year are all EPC leaders.

“The feedback following last year’s Assembly asked us to utilize more of our own, so we are!” he said. “Our speakers represent churches of all sizes from all over the country.”

Online registration opens on April 1. Early registration runs until May 15, with a registration fee of $295 per person. New this year is that the registration fee includes lunch each day, while on-campus dinners Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are optional at a cost of $30 per person. The $50 early registration discount ends on May 15, when the fee increases to $345 per person. Late registration begins June 15 with a fee of $395 per person.

“The rising costs with inflation have proven to be a real challenge in planning this year’s meeting,” Weaver said. “While our registration fee is very competitive to similar gatherings of this kind, our staff continues to diligently seek ways to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us.”

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