(A conversation for church leaders who want to change the world)

Being the church is hard work. Jesus never said it would be easy.

As you face the current challenges in your congregation, the thought of planting another church seems overwhelming.

But what if church planting could bring revival to your own congregation and in the process further the Kingdom of God beyond your own church’s reach?  Would you want to be a part of the adventure?

We believe being part of a new church plant is worth your time, because:

  • Church planting is one of the most effective ways to reach new people for Christ
  • Church planting will help you bring greater vitality to your own church
  • Church planting will help you enhance and bless your community
  • Church planting will help your members develop their gifts and talents more fully.
  • Church planting will expand your kingdom vision beyond your “four walls.”

Many church leaders love the “idea” of planting a church but get lost when it comes to specific action. So how do we get started?

Our Desire for the EPC:

To help you EQUIP, ENCOURAGE, and EMPOWER your church to plant a successful new church development that will bring glory to God and advance His kingdom with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Help us to help you!

Join us for lunch at General Assembly on Thursday, June 21, to discuss the opportunity of church planting in the EPC.

Sincerely in Christ,

EPCChurch Planting Team

Tom Ricks, Shawn Robinson, Tom Melton, Mike Moses, Jack Cathey, Chris Coppolo and Jim Holland