Following a series of devastating earthquakes in southeastern Turkey and northern Syria in February, donations to the EPC’s International Disaster Relief Fund will be distributed among global workers in the region and ministry partners in both countries.
Gabriel de Guia, Executive Director of EPC World Outreach, said the three avenues for disbursements are based on long-standing ministry partnerships.
“Our global workers in Turkey have been diligently assessing ways for us to engage,” de Guia said. “God is using the relationships they have built over the years for His glory and for the relief of many, many hurting people.”
Donations also will be sent to World Outreach ministry partners Timothy Two Project International and The Outreach Foundation.
“Timothy Two is an Approved Mission Agency of the EPC, and their international director Steve Curtis also co-chairs the Commission on Evangelism and Missions for the World Reformed Fellowship,” de Guia said. “The Outreach Foundation has a network of churches in Syria and have the relationships to help in areas that are hard for outsiders to get to. Our confidence in these two organizations could not be higher for reaching those affected by the earthquake with both physical needs and with the saving knowledge of the gospel.”
Mike Kuhn, Director of EPC World Outreach’s International Theological Education Network (ITEN), has worked in Syria with The Outreach Foundation.
“I can attest that their relationship with the historic Presbyterian churches of Syria is deep and authentic,” Kuhn said. “I have personally met Pastor Ibrahim Nseir, the pastor of the Evangelical Church of Aleppo, who is overseeing the distribution of these donations. This relationship with Pastor Ibrahim allows the body of Christ to assist believers and others in a place where very little aid is getting through in the aftermath of devastating earthquakes.”
Secure online donations can be made at, which also includes instructions for donating by check and text-to-give.
As of February 23, government officials have placed the death toll at more than 47,000 with more than 164,000 structures collapsed or damaged to the point that they need to be demolished.