ReddingWildfireReliefIn response to the Carr wildfire in and around Redding, Calif., the EPC has launched an emergency relief fund to help with recovery efforts. As of August 1, the fire had resulted in six deaths—including two firefighters—and has destroyed more than 1,000 homes and 180 square miles. California fire officials are calling it the sixth-most destructive fire in the state’s history.

“We are all in a bit of shock,” said Jim Howe, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Redding. “Thank you for your prayers—we are still gathering information, and I heard today that our former pastor’s daughter lost her home.”

Click here to donate online (Click the “Click to Donate” button, then choose “Emergency Relief” from the first pulldown menu and “Redding Wildfire Relief (282)” from the second pulldown menu,). Or make check payable to Evangelical Presbyterian Church and designated “Redding Wildfire Relief,” and send to:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822

Donations to the fund will be sent to First Presbyterian Church of Redding to be used for identified needs. Donations beyond those needed for local recovery will be held in a general Emergency Relief Fund to be used at the discretion of the EPC National Leadership Team for future emergency relief needs.