Last week, the EPC World Outreach Committee approved Sierra Leone, Africa as a new church planting field location for the Engage 2025 Initiative to see ten new churches  planted by the EPC around the world by the year 2025. EPC Moderator Doug Klein, World Outreach Committee Chair, Doug Thompson, and World Outreach Director, George Carey visited Sierra Leone recently and returned with a very favorable recommendation for the World Outreach Committee to approve Sierra Leone as a new field of ministry.

Leading the scouting trip to Sierra Leone was Pastors Dean Weaver and Betsy Rumer of Memorial Park Presbyterian Church from the Pittsburgh area. Pastor Weaver is a vital partner in Edunations, a ministry that has planted seven schools in Sierra Leone with a resultant harvest of souls for the kingdom from students and parents alike. Further details of the Sierra Leone field development will be outlined in the April edition of Globe Magazine.