The Moderator’s report to the 44th General Assembly of his work during 2023-2024.

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Summary of Work

Joe Kim

TE, Presbytery of the East


2022-2023 has been a terribly exciting and challenging time for all of us. I say “terribly” because much of the past year has been terrible in our towns, cities, states, nation, and around the world. The pandemic has subsided for the present, but the long-term effects remain. The most pronounced may be the ongoing fear; the fear that hangs in the air and pollutes so much of our mental and spiritual environment. Added to that are train crashes that kill people and destroy land. Bank failures that threaten our economy nationally and personally. Politics and racial issues that cause deep division in our population. Churches and pastors failing or fleeing. Terrible.

Also exciting. We are seeing a new presence and work of the Holy Spirit on college campuses—revival that we pray for and long for in our churches across the nation and the world. We as believers are learning that we cannot face the day without spiritual warfare. Satan is loading his quiver and shooting at us fairly consistently and boldly. We have to armor up and fight back with the tools God has given us and our faith in Him alone (Ephesians 6).

Given our current conditions, we need to Prepare to Stand. (Video and guide by Andrew Brunson and Brad Strait). We also stand on our Gospel Priorities: Effective Biblical Leadership, Transformation (church health and evangelism), Multiplication (church planting) and Global Movement (World Outreach). As leaders in the EPC, we are choosing to stand in the gap. As Ezekiel 22:30 says, “And I (God) searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it.” It is not convenient and it may—and probably will—come at a cost. Therefore, as the National Leaders of EPC, we pray and work together toward meeting our Gospel Priorities and moving the kingdom of God forward.

Effective Biblical Leadership and Ministerial Vocation Committee, led by Michael Davis, are looking at the changing landscape of preparation for ministry. In addition, we are looking at seminary partnerships, assessment partnerships, competencies, behaviors, and motivations.

We are looking at the beginning of ministry, as well as the end of ministry and Pastoral Separation Ethics.

Church Planting is expanding more rapidly with the addition of Tom Ricks to the staff of the Office of the General Assembly.
Church Health and Evangelism, led by Bob Stauffer, are bringing life and health to pastors and churches realizing that a healthy church cannot function without a healthy pastor. Recognizing the issues that cause burnout and providing resources has been an incredible blessing to many of you.

As a reminder: Evangelism is not just some of what we do. Evangelism is our DNA. It is through the Blood of Jesus and should be flowing in our veins as followers of Jesus. We are the Evangelical Presbyterian church. What brings us together and holds us together is a heart and mind to know God, to love God, and to share God with everyone we meet. “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love …” and sometimes we may even use words!

World Outreach has turned over many of its positions this year, and the result is a new and fully functional team who love the Lord, each other, and love the mission.
We are continuing to work with Presbyteries to move the needle on POI. We are entering year two and looking for opportunities to talk with individual churches and pastors about participation. We are also examining the financial status of EPC relating to the long term viability to meet our Gospel Priorities.
Pastoral Letter of Racial Lament and Hope, under the leadership of Gerrit Dawson and Glenn Meyers, is moving forward at a pace that is astounding. Their thorough study and exchange of ideas and experiences is simply God-ordained and amazing.
We are in conversation with ECO (Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians) to consider how share best practices in our leadership training and events, so that we aren’t duplicating efforts, and can share best practices.

This Call to be your Moderator came as a surprise to me. I thought perhaps I was either too old or a woman. While both are true, this has been an incredible year. I hope that in fulfilling what God called me to do, I have also encouraged women to step into leadership … maybe even jump with both feet! I have been given the gift of mentoring several young women by Zoom as we live all across the country. I have also heard from several of you gentlemen, thanking me for encouraging the women in your churches to take a look at leadership and a look at God’s Call on their lives. God has a Call—capital C—on every one of us. Choose this day Whom you will serve. There is no in-between ground. You are either serving God or you are not. This is not just part of our lives, this IS our life.

Respectfully submitted,




Rosemary Lukens
June 2023

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