We encourage EPC presbyteries, churches, and ministry partners to take full advantage of EPC branding elements, and these guidelines are in place to prevent confusion about how and where they are used. The EPC logo is the most visible representation of our denomination and is a valuable asset that must be used consistently in the proper, approved forms as outlined below.
You can use these quicklinks to navigate to the appropriate section:
The primary EPC logo consists of the icon and wordmark set in a horizontal format with the approved font and colors. When the primary logo appears on different colored backgrounds be sure to use the correct logo to ensure legibility. And for limited use, please use the one-color or b/w logo. For sizing requirements, please reference clearspace and minimum size usage recommendations on the following pages. The first logo below is the main logo followed by variations as labeled. Downloadable versions available further down the page.
The primary color and secondary colors are seen below.
As with any brand, the EPC logo requires breathing space and should never feel crowded. In order to allow for this, the clearspace area around the logo should be equal to the height of the dove wing/tulip leaf in the icon. This applies to both the primary logo and icon only. Do not position any text, graphic elements or other visual marks inside the recommended clearspace.
The primary EPC font is Encode Sans. This is a Google font and is available here: Encode Sans. The secondary font is Arial and is a common font available on most devices.
The logo is a specially designed combination of bold, clean graphics and letter forms used to identify the EPC, and should never be altered. Always make legibility and visibility your top priorities when using the EPC logo.
Users should not distort, embellish, or otherwise modify the logo. These types of changes alter the character of the design and undermine the consistent image the EPC is striving to project.
Click the appropriate image to download the EPC logo in the desired format.
If you need assistance or have any questions about which format to use, please reach out to the communications department at the Office of the General Assembly
Office of the General Assembly
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 930-4239
(407) 930-4247 fax