Thank you for your faithful stewardship and financial support of Fellowship Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Lyon, Michigan. You can donate to Fellowship EPC by using the secure form below, or with text-to-give on your smart device by texting “fellowshipsouthlyon” to 50155.

May God richly bless you as you love and serve Him.

Fellowship Evangelical Presbyterian Church
22200 Pontiac Trail
South Lyon, MI 48178
(248) 437-2222

If you have not done so, please click “Create an Account” below to create a new donor account. This allows you to edit contact and payment information in the future, as well as make changes to recurring donations if desired. If you have donated previously without creating an account, please create an account using the same email address that you used for previous donations.

All donations to Fellowship Evangelical Presbyterian Church are sent directly to the church.
The EPC does not keep any of your contribution.

Follow Us

Office of the General Assembly
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 930-4239
(407) 930-4247 fax

OGA Staff Contacts