Thank you for your faithful stewardship and financial support of Merrill Presbyterian Church in Merrill, Oregon. You can donate to Merrill Presbyterian Church by using the secure form below, or with text-to-give on your smart device by texting “merrillpres” to 386-845-3121.

May God richly bless you as you love and serve Him.

Merrill Presbyterian Church
210 W. Second St.
Merrill, OR 97633
(541) 798-59818

We recently upgraded our online giving system. If this is your first donation on our new system, you will need to enter your financial information. This is necessary because the EPC does not hold any of your credit card or bank numbers. Your data is encrypted and secure, and the EPC will not have access to any of your financial information—only the amount of your donation and the fund to which you are giving.

All donations to Merrill Presbyterian Church are sent directly to the church.
The EPC does not keep any of your contribution.