This training has been approved by the EPC Ministerial Vocation Committee and is recommended for both search committees and applicants. At the time this series was developed, Jones served as pastor of the EPC’s Grace Presbyterian Church in Franklin, N.C.
Click here to download an outline in printable, pdf format. This outline covers the entire, two-hour series and is divided into seven chapters.
You can listen to the audio series in its entirety or individual segments by clicking the appropriate play buttons below, or click the “Download” button to download that file in mp3 format. The files are stored on a Google drive; you will need to click to the “down arrow” icon at the upper right of the new browser tab or window to download the file to your computer or mobile device.
Biblical Interviewing Skills
Audio PlayerPART 1: THEORY
Chapter 1:
Biblical Interviewing Skills to Evaluate Applicant’s Integrity
Biblical Interviewing Skills 1
Audio PlayerChapter 2:
The Master Interviewer is Jesus our Lord
Biblical Interviewing Skills 2
Audio PlayerChapter 3:
Bible-based, Professionally Tested Applicant Screening System
Biblical Interviewing Skills 3
Audio PlayerPART 2: PRACTICE
Chapter 4:
Selecting the Appropriate Questions
Biblical Interviewing Skills 4
Audio PlayerChapter 5:
Setting the Stage for Truth-telling and Serving the Needs of the Applicant in Christian Love
Biblical Interviewing Skills 5
Audio PlayerChapter 6:
Sequential Interviewing Skills
Biblical Interviewing Skills 6
Audio PlayerChapter 7:
Systematic Review and Verification of Applicant’s Statements
Biblical Interviewing Skills 7
Audio PlayerOffice of the General Assembly
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 930-4239
(407) 930-4247 fax