Walking with Jesus: Family Discipleship was written by EPC Teaching Elder Hector Reynoso, Pastor of Genesis Presbyterian Church in Mercedes, Texas, in the Presbytery of the Gulf South. The content is Westminster doctrine with a focus on covenant theology, including the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. Each chapter contains a short prayer and a list of hymns appropriate for that chapter’s lesson.
The Walking with Jesus: Family Discipleship Practice Book is designed to aid in learning key points and concepts, as well as memory work. Both resources are fully bilingual (English and Spanish). Click or tap the images to download in PDF format.
Walking with Jesus:
Family Discipleship
Caminando con Jesús
Discipulado para la Familia
Walking with Jesus:
Family Discipleship
Practice Book
Caminando con Jesús
Discipulado para la Familia
Libro de Práctica
From the introduction:
“With so many struggles, battles and attacks coming against us on a daily basis, it is easy for us Christians to get carried away in all the current trends of society and lose sight of who God is, of who we are, of whose we are, and of our purpose in this life; all these struggles bring the Christian family to an identity crisis. Therefore, it is my hope that this tool will provide you, your family and church with a solid foundation in your walk with Christ. I pray as well that it will be a great help in your reading and understanding of God’s Word, the Bible, which I encourage you to read constantly.”
“Con tantas cosas en contra nuestra diariamente, es fácil que el cristiano se deje llevar por las corrientes de la sociedad y pierda de vista el quien es Dios, el quien somos, a quien le pertenecemos, y cuál es nuestro propósito en esta vida; todas estas batallas traen a la familia cristiana a una crisis de identidad. Por lo tanto, es mi esperanza que esta pequeña obra provea para ti, tu familia y tu iglesia un cimiento firme y fuerte en tu caminar con Cristo. Al mismo tiempo, es mi oración que sea de gran ayuda en tu lectura y comprensión de la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios, la cual espero que leas constantemente.”
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