Join us for the 41st EPC General Assembly, June 22-25, 2021. The Assembly is going to be a hybrid event, with both virtual participation and on-site attendance at Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tennessee. This modification is in response to local requirements for in-person gatherings in Memphis.
Check back for updates, as more information is added frequently.
As of May 23, facemasks are optional for vaccinated individuals on the Second Presbyterian Church campus. Those who have not been vaccinated are requested to wear a mask. In addition, social distancing of at least six (6) feet is requested at all times. Families and/or groups from a single church (“church pods”) may sit together in the Sanctuary. Out of respect for our host church, if you are unable or unwilling to honor these guidelines please participate virtually. For more information about Second Presbyterian Church’s COVID-19 protocols, see www.2pc.org/covid-19-response.
Use these quick links to navigate to the appropriate section:
Commissioner’s Handbook and Other Documents
GA App
Contact Information
Moderator’s Scholarship Fund
Leadership Institute
Worship Service Speakers
Networking Lunches
Ruling Elder Commissioner Certification Form
Memorials Form
Local Transportation
The GA app makes everything you need for the 41st General Assembly available at your fingertips, including the schedule, room locations, details for the Leadership Institute and Networking Lunches, the complete Commissioner’s Handbook including all Recommendations to the Assembly, Committee Reports, daily dockets, and much more.
Available for Apple iOS and Android operating systems. Click the appropriate image below, scan the QR code with your device, or search “EPC GA” in the App Store (Apple iOS) or Google Play (Android).
Scan the image with your smartphone for the Android version
Apple iOS
Scan the image with your smartphone for the Apple iOS version
For more information, contact Marti Brenner Ratcliff in the Office of the General Assembly at 407-930-4263, marti.ratcliff@epc.org, or by mail at:
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
ATTN: Marti Brenner Ratcliff
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
Financial assistance to offset travel costs for ministers and Ruling Elders from smaller EPC churches is available from the Moderator’s Scholarship Fund. Funds are limited, and Letters of Request should be received by April 30, 2021. You can email your Letter of Request to zenaida.bermudez@epc.org or mail to:
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
ATTN: Moderator’s Scholarship Fund
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
Please indicate whether you are a Teaching Elder or Ruling Elder, and the church you will be representing.
Jeff Jeremiah
Stated Clerk
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest
Glenn Meyers
(Through June 23, 2021)
RE, Presbytery of the Alleghenies
Brad Strait
(Installed as Moderator on June 23, 2021)
TE, Presbytery of the West
Click here for a complete schedule of meetings and activities.
Click here for a complete schedule of meetings and activities designed for women.
Click here for a complete schedule of World Outreach activities.
A key strategy for the future of the EPC is creating a leadership development culture with the goal of long-term, sustainable, transformational growth. The sixth annual Leadership Institute is the premier building block to implementing that strategy. Because of the hybrid nature of the 41st General Assembly, this year’s Leadership Institute will feature three plenary speakers whose presentations will be available via live stream.
Our speaker on Tuesday is Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary. Plenary speakers on Wednesday are George Robertson, Senior Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Memphis, and Rufus Smith, Senior Pastor of Hope Church in Memphis.
In addition, four ministry-specific leadership development gatherings will be held on Tuesday, though these will not be available to virtual participants.
Click here for a complete lineup of Leadership Institute seminars.
Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO
Reformed Theological Seminary
Jackson, Mississippi
George Robertson
Senior Pastor
Second Presbyterian Church
Memphis, Tennessee
Rufus Smith
Senior Pastor
Hope Church
Memphis, Tennessee
Phil Linton
Director of World Outreach
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Orlando, Florida
Wednesday Afternoon
Designated Offering:
Jeff Jeremiah
Stated Clerk
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Orlando, Florida
Wednesday Evening
Designated Offering:
“Restore Church Planter Health” Fund
George Robertson
Senior Pastor
Second Presbyterian Church
Memphis, Tennessee
Thursday Morning
Designated Offering:
“Restore Pastor Health” Fund
D.A. Carson
Emeritus Professor of New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Deerfield, Illinois
Thursday Evening
Designated Offering:
“Restore Global Worker Health” Fund
Glenn Meyers
Moderator, 40th General Assembly
Pastor, Ardara United Presbyterian Church
Ardara, Pennsylvania
Friday Morning
Designated Offering:
Moderator’s Scholarship Fund
On-site GA attendees can take advantage of connecting with others with similar ministry interests by attending any of a variety of Networking Lunches on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Pick up your lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship and enrichment from 12:00-1:30 p.m. (Central time) each day. Click here for a complete list of this year’s Networking Lunches.
Instructions Letter
Overview of the 41st General Assembly from Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah, including instructions for the Ruling Elder Commissioner Certification and Memorials forms.
RE Commissioner Certification Form
For Clerks of Session to certify Ruling Elders elected to represent a church at the 41st General Assembly. Fillable PDF format—save to your computer before completing.
Memorials Form
For notifying the Memorials and Appreciation Committee of EPC Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders who have passed away since the previous Assembly.
There are no “official” General Assembly hotels. Commissioners are encouraged to use a hotel aggregate site, such as Expedia, Hotels.com, Kayak, Priceline, TripAdvisor, or others to make hotel reservations. Second Presbyterian Church is within one mile of the University of Memphis so plenty of hotels are in the immediate vicinity.
For more information, contact Marti Brenner at marti.brenner@epc.org or 407-930-4239.
Rental cars are encouraged for those flying into Memphis, since there is no commercial shuttle service to Second Presbyterian Church, which has plenty of parking.
Shuttle service between hotels and the church will not be provided. Carpooling is a good option (or using Uber or Lyft) for those who do not have personal transportation and do not want to rent a vehicle.