The World Outreach Committee (WO) report to the 42nd General Assembly of its work during 2021-2022, plus recommendations for consideration by the Assembly.
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Summary of Work
Summary of Recommendations
Work of the Committee
Recommendations (Detailed)
Committee Members
Meeting Dates
Rick Dietzman
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest
1. Onboarded the new Executive Director of World Outreach.
2. Created the new World Outreach Master Plan (proposed).
3. Provided support to global workers in crisis and created new avenues of member care.
4. Provided multi-faceted ministry response to the Afghanistan crisis.
5. Created the International Disaster Relief Fund and formed new partnerships in response to Ukraine crisis.
6. Began EPC-wide, weekly prayer call for the Ukraine crisis.
7. Updated World Outreach policies.
42-12 That the 42nd General Assembly adopt the proposed World Outreach Master Plan.
42-13 That the 42nd General Assembly approve Equip International as a Cooperative Agency.
42-14 That the 42nd General Assembly approve Reflejo as an Approved Mission Agency.
The onboarding of the new Executive Director of World Outreach and all that transition requires has been a significant focus this year, as well as the drafting of the new World Outreach Master Plan and mission statement. The process used in drafting the Master Plan was unique in its history. Extensive research and engagement was utilized in order to involve all WO global workers, key stake holders, missions leaders, the World Outreach Committee (WOC), and the National Leadership Team (NLT). The seven-month process included surveys, one-on-one interviews, and multiple large-group Zoom gatherings. The official recommendation by the WOC (and equal support by the NLT) for it to go forward to the 42nd General Assembly to be acted on—as of the writing of this report—is a great encouragement to the committee and a source of confirmation of God’s leading.
Continued turmoil and conflict in places like Lebanon, Ethiopia, Russia, and extended COVID situations throughout Asia and Southeast Asia created exhausting and oppressive situations for a number of our workers. With COVID restrictions impeding travel, continued support through phone and video calls has been critical in providing ongoing member care. Our member care team with an onsite location in Hungary has been able to provide much needed physical, emotional, and spiritual respites for several of our workers who have been able to travel there—including those displaced and fleeing due to the invasion of Ukraine. Our member care team expanded its offerings this year by hosting regular Zoom calls specifically for workers on home assignment in the United States. This has resulted in greater connection, community, and specialized support.
COVID forced many of our workers back to the United States. Those who have extensive experience ministering in Afghanistan suddenly found themselves divinely placed as thousands of Afghan refugees fled their country beginning in August last year. Uniquely equipped to help, our WO workers began serving in a variety of ways: as translators on Army bases helping process thousands of Afghans, as well as personally receiving, caring for, and housing numerous Afghan families. World Outreach further stewarded this knowledge and experience in hosting a webinar training for anyone in the EPC a week after the country fell, which several hundred registered. Already in place, WO workshops and classes such as “How to Love Your Muslim Neighbor” took on new meaning and interest. These were sovereignly timed as churches were suddenly asking, “How do we respond?”
In the fall of 2021, we rejoiced as the Bible translation work on the Dari and Afghan Pashto language was completed. World Outreach workers who had spent nearly two decades in Afghanistan were on the translation team. Once out of reach because the translation didn’t exist—and out of reach because of physical distance—now in the blink of an eye both barriers have been removed for millions of Afghans.
To help bring the word of God to these new Afghan refugees, WO created the Afghan Christian Materials Fund. This resulted in the first-generation print run of 10,000 Dari and Pashto Bibles.
“Physical needs, food, water, clothing, are critical, but being able to give the word of God in their heart language is a gift that can last forever. And now we can,” said our WO workers.
Responding to the Ukraine crisis, WO led in the creation of the EPC International Disaster Relief Fund which has received more than $437,000 (as of May 3) for Ukraine relief and ministry efforts. Donations have been distributed to four specific World Outreach partnerships working on the ground in Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary. World Outreach also launched the weekly EPC prayer Zoom call for Ukraine days after the invasion, seeing several hundred register in the first three meetings. WO continues to lead this every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. (Eastern).
On the personnel front in 2022, there have been two appointee couples, one to serve in the field internationally and one to serve in Church Engagement domestically. In addition, the WOC accepted the resignation of John M (“retirement” and move to volunteer), and gratefully thanked him for his service.
The World Outreach Committee recommends that the 42nd General Assembly adopt the proposed World Outreach Master Plan.
After reviewing its history, statement of faith, mission statement, and financial audit, the WOC recommends that Equip International be approved as a Cooperative Agency.
After reviewing its history, statement of faith, mission statement, and financial audit, the WOC recommends that Reflejo be approved as an Approved Mission Agency.
Rick Dietzman (Chairman)
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest
Phyllis Ellsworth
RE, Presbytery of the Midwest
Johnny Long
RE, Presbytery of the West
Wes Peterson
RE, Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic
David Van Valkenburg
RE, Presbytery of the West
Jason Dunn, ex officio
Associate Director of World Outreach
Whitney Alexander
TE, Presbytery of the Gulf South
Susan Lear
RE, Presbytery of the Great Plains
Marcos Ortega
TE, Presbytery of the East
Waring Porter
TE, Presbytery of the Central South
Gabriel de Guia, ex officio
Executive Director of World Outreach
June 9, 2021: Video Conference
October 14-15, 2021: Office of the General Assembly (Orlando, Florida)
January 13-14, 2022: Office of the General Assembly (Orlando, Florida)
April 21-22, 2022: Video Conference
May 6, 2022: Video Conference
Respectfully submitted,
Rick Dietzman, Chairman
May 2022